Hollywood Suite Movie Madness
Hollywood Suite Movie Madness
Hollywood Suite Movie Madness

Ever dreamed of selecting which movies screen at your local cinema? With Hollywood Suite’s Movie Madness, you are the programmer!

It’s simple: Movies go head-to-head in a classic bracket until only one is standing. The winning title will be screened at the Revue Cinema in Toronto as well as the Tivoli Cinema in Charlottetown, P.E.I. and the Paramount Theatre in Kamloops, B.C. Once a final winner is chosen, tickets will be available at their box office for just $5 each.

Hollywood Suite Movie Madness Y2K. And the winner is... Almost Famous! SEE IT THIS JUNE AT Revue Cinema (Toronto), Tivoli Cinema (Charlottetown) and Paramount Theatre (Kamloops)


Revue Cinema

Tivoli Cinema

Paramount Theatre


Do you have a favourite local cinema where you live? Tell us about it on social media, or send us a message at info@hollywoodsuite.ca!

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